You may wonder what the SOTM team is working on at the moment, so let me give you an update.
As you may have noticed, registration is now open, thanks for all who have registered already! You still have some time to get your ticket at early bird prices. If you are an OSMF member you will get an e-mail soon with details on the extra €10 discount. This means you can get a ticket for 3 days of OSM fun for only 75 euro!
The Call for Presentations deadline is approaching fast. If you submit your talk before the end of April you have a very good chance to get accepted. We will let you know in the first week of May and hope to start publishing some talks then.
Of course we’re always looking for new sponsors so have a look at our Sponsors page if you want to request our Sponsorship brochure.
The local team in Tokyo is working on the catering and looking into some excursions we would like to offer.
We’re also working on the Scholarship program for this year and hope to announce this very soon.
Hope to see you all in Tokyo!